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Power Subsystem:

Figure 1

In communication satellites, taking from the solar cells the power subsystems provides the electrical energy required to run the satellite’s housekeeping and communication systems.

At the beginning the solar cell efficiency is typically 20-25% but with time efficiency falls down because of aging and etching of the solar surface that why extra area of solar cells is usually provided as allowances for aging.

The body of a spin-stabilized satellite is covered with solar cells. Since the solar cells are on a cylindrical surface, half of the cells are not illuminated. Large spin stabilized satellite can generate up to 6 KW solar power.

In body stabilizes satellite, individual solar panels are manipulated to maintained normal incidence of the sunlight. Three axis stabilized satellite can give 10 KW solar powers.

The solar panels gives DC current which is used to operate different subsystems, charging of the Nickel-Cadmium batteries, this batteries act as a buffer during solar eclipse time or initial orientation and stabilization or emergency period.

Voltage regulator circuits are used to stabilize the power for various circuits, DC to DC converter circuit generates high voltage DC for the operation of the TWT amplifiers. And also DC to AC inverter used for AC devices. Sensors on the different module give the status through telemetry link.

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Surojit Mondal
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