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Satellite Communication

Simple satellite communication system block diagram

Nowadays 'Satellite Communication' term is very relevant to the mobile phone users or satellite TV users. Satellite communication gave the highest mobility in data transfer protocol.

Satellite Communication is a very simple logic, like if we put on a torch light on a mirror the light will be reflect. So, if we throw a signal upside from earth surface and if the signal reflected by something the signal will back on earth surface.

It was first invented by the use of simple beacon signal reflected by a big metal surface carrying by a gas balloon.

Then we saw that if we change the angle of throwing signal, we can also change the position of the reflection point.

We call this kind of reflection point as Earth Station. And the signal which is throwing from earth to space called Uplink and the signal which is coming back to earth called Downlink.

Then after many years of research scientists launch the first satellite 'Sputnik I' [Launched on October 4, 1957]. It was a 58 cm (23 in) diameter polished metal sphere, with four external radio antennae to broadcast radio pulses. It was visible all around the Earth and its radio pulses were detectable.

Sputnik 1

Sputnik itself provided scientists with valuable information, even though it wasn't equipped with sensors, by tracking and studying the satellite from Earth. The density of the upper atmosphere could be deduced from its drag on the orbit, and the propagation of its radio signals gave information about the ionosphere.

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